Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Willing Heart

Toil, when willing, groweth less
Bayard Taylor

Energy is high when our will is engaged.

Without enthusiasm, strength for the task will flag.

When kids 'have to do' what they don't want to do, shoulders sag and knuckles drag.

When they're doing what they want to do... streaked lightning!

Creativity, positivity and fun, follow the willing heart.

Burnout follows those who live a life they don't want to live.

Getting willing is a decision I make.

I want to do this!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Think Big

Big goals get big results. No goals get no results.
Mark Victor Hansen

I've found it easier to raise finance for a $12 million building than for a $3000 washing machine.

If it doesn't inspire it doesn't motivate.

The team, the congregation, the public must be captured by the vision.

If it's too small it won't inspire.

If it's rediculously big it won't be believed.

Big, realistic thinking delivers.

People rally to a big dream.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Your Future

Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of
Isa 43:18
Preoccupation with the past prevents us from appropriating our future.

What you're focused on is where you're going.

No matter what your emotional attitude is, you'll go where you're focused.

You may hate the person you think about all the time. The hatred won't stop you going there though.

You'll go where you're focused.

If you're focussed on the past, you're going backwards.

Choose to forget the past.

Focus on the brilliant future.